Mars Jupiter Uranus Chiron and the Irritation Triangle
Mars in Virgo, Jupiter/Uranus in Aries and
Chiron in Pisces are all standing at Zero degrees of their respective signs and form an aspect pattern called an Irritation Triangle over the next 36 hours or so (Until 04:04Ut on 9th June).
Irritation Triangle |
Irritation Triangles or Stimulation Triangles, as they are also called, are high energy patterns. The Green, thinking, aspects makes you want to know more about a subject while the Red makes you want to be an achiever and realise goals.
Sad Feet |
To grasp how these aspect figures work imagine a stone in your shoe, irritating and at the same time stimulating you into a reaction. In this instance the stimulation is to remove your shoe to get rid of the stone. Until the stone is removed it is not possible to be a peace or rest. Now imagine once you get rid of one stone another is soon lying in the bottom of your shoe.
The look of the pattern is a clue as to how it can manifest. Looking like a small red and green dagger it comes out when someone realises they have said yes once too often and have become overloaded with other peoples tasks or problems and the innate sensitivity found in this pattern has been abused just too much. Perhaps the realisation dawns that you have been burning to much of the midnight oil in pursuit of a favourite subject suddenly finding you are unable to close your mind down. Bang! The dagger bursts the balloon or the stone is ejected from the shoe and everything settles down once again. Or at least until the process starts of once more.
Happy Feet |
Those with Planets lying between 29 degrees and 1degree in their Birth Chart will be feeling the effects of this pattern, especially over the next day or two. Try to avoid taking on more than you can comfortably manage and don’t be afraid to say no. If you are in the middle of studying for an exam or trying to finish a presentation for work take time to have a short walk or a breather for 5 Mins. Whatever, you work better and remember more if you take some time out.
Don't know where the planets are in your Birth Chart or what your aspect patterns are the link below will take you to my website. Send me your Birth Details and I will send you a copy of your Birth Chart with my compliments.
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Happy Feet |