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Uranus Planet of Change and Revolution |
Waxing Square transit for those born with Uranus in Capricorn
Opposition for those with Uranus in Libra
Waning Square for those born with Uranus in Cancer.
Conjunction for anyone who will celebrate their 84th birthday . during this time
For the exact dates of Uranus's journey through the above signs and Entry into Aries the dates are given at the end of this post.
Waxing Sq, Uranus in Capricorn
This transit occurs around the age of 18/22 and usually brings with it a desire for freedom, and the urge to break away from all and everything which has been seen as authority. Your need to express yourself may over take your common sense and more than likely it will from time to time. Try to remember that everyone who is old is not completely stupid even when they seem to be acting it. If you can bring yourself to think about the stuff employers and even parents are saying you can always use any gems of wisdom without them noticing, if you go about it quietly. In other words it is not necessary to storm the barricades all the time. Pick your battles as carefully as you can, that way you are likely to win more.
For those of you who are in the company of the waxing square natives remember you were also that age once and dignity and freedom are two way streets.
Opposition Uranus in Libra
For those joining the age group 38/42 this transit is one of the most important times in your life. It is the astrological equivalent of the mid-life crisis. One day you get out of bed and the realisation dawns "I'm beginning to ache in the places I used to play" Before you know it all manner of questions come flooding into your mind. "Who am I...What am I doing... What's going on". It is a time when you start to feel restless and question your life. The big question you have to ask is "Am I in charge of my own destiny". If the answer is yes then congratulate yourself mightily and have a celebration. If the answer is "No not really", which is likely to be the more honest of the two, then it is time you had a big think about where you are headed.
Look at this time as one of readjustment and start to open up to more spiritual values and explore your own inner feelings. Not everything needs to change and a life is neither all good or all bad so don't be tempted to throw it all up in the air and rush off to join the circus.
Waning Sq
Uranus in Cancer
Those who reach 58/62 during this transit start to find time is becoming a very precious commodity. It is getting harder to say to I will start this next year I will learn that soon. The amount of tomorrows we can put things off until are dwindling. If you have fallen into a rut in the past now comes an urge to break free. The responsibilities that have been shouldered over the past years can now seem to be intolerable burdens. It is important to realise this is happening because the still, quiet voice of the soul is striving to make itself heard before the sands of time run out completely. The focus of responsibility has to shift from that of others and start to centre round the self. It does not mean that life has to undergo a major upheaval but it does mean that steps have to be taken to address the needs of the self if the remaining years are to be filled with meaning, sunshine and joy. One small change at a time soon builds into many and done with a little patience and understanding should mean those who are close to you can become part of your answer and not part of the problem.
Transiting Uranus Conjunct Natal Uranus
This transit usually occurs around the age of 84 years and you have just completed a complete cycle of the planet Uranus which rules freedom, insight, originality and hopefully a measure of detachment from the roll-a-coaster of emotions. You now have come a far enough distance from the start to be able to look back and view life with the benefit of all you have seen and experienced. If you have suppressed the spiritual side of your nature you might find an empty space where your heart should be. If so don't worry it's never to late to start a conversation with your soul. It might not be the easiest thing but it will certainly be the most beneficial thing you could undertake. If on the other hand soul and spirit have played a large part in your life then this can be a time of insight and contentment as you hopefully release worldly attachments and desires.
Movement of Uranus into and Retrograde out of Aries
Into Aries 28th May 2010
Rx into Taurus 14th August 2010
Direct into Aries 12th March 2011
Into Taurus 15th May 2018
Rx into Aires 6th Nov 2018
Direct into Taurus 6th March 2019
Dates and Times of entry into Cancer Libra and Capricorn
10 Jun 1949 Cancer 04:06
24 Aug 1955 Leo 18:02
28 Jan 1956 Cancer 01:58 Until10 Jun 1956 01:46
24 Jun 1969 Libra 10:33
21 Nov 1974 Scorpio 09:31
1 May 1975 Libra 17:46 until 8 Sep 1975 05:14
2 Dec 1988 Capricorn 15:35
1 Apr 1995 Aquarius 12:10
9 Jun 1995 Capricorn 01:42 Until 12 Jan 1996 07:12
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