11:26UT... 8th June... Jupiter conjunct Uranus
With such a heavenly happening as this we have the choice to either participate in the changes our world will undergo or simply stand on the sidelines and become victims of fate. As the future is yet to be written it is difficult if not impossible to understand what events are being set in motion never mind participate in them. To be able to grasp what these events mean on a personal level look to the house in your Birth Chart which has Aries on the cusp. The affairs of this house will give clues to the area of your life where the opportunities for personal growth are the greatest.The quadrant or quarter of the chart where the conjunction falls will give a background to the message held in the house in question.
Before getting to that here are a few events that have shaped our world during the conjunctions and oppositions of Jupiter/Uranus over the last few decades. They will give you an idea of how powerful and revolutionary the energy released under this conjunction can be.
On 29 July 1955, as the conjunction of May that year was beginning to separate, the U.S President Eisenhower announced, that the United States would launch an artificial satellite effectively launching the start of what became known as the "Space Race" between the U.S and Russia.
In 1969 at the time of the conjunction Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon and Woodstock Music Festival, billed as the largest peace time gathering in the history of the world, became a happening. I leave it to you to decide which the most important event of the two was.
The opposition of 1976 saw the introduction of Concorde which cut the commuting time across the Atlantic to 31/2 hours, almost doable for a late lunch.
The conjunction of 1983 brought the launch of Microsoft word and in 1990 at the time of the opposition the first page on the web was published. The hole in the ozone was discovered and the first Sat Nav system was fitted to a car.
Political events also have a correlation to this cycle. The opposition of 1989/90 saw the fall of the Berlin wall in late 1989. While in the UK Mrs Thatcher resigned as Prime Minister in November 1990. At the time of the conjunction in 1997 New Labour came to power and lost it again at the current conjunction.
Read on to discover how the conjunction can effect your life over the next 7 years
1st Quadrant: Examining how behavioural patterns have been impulsively formed into defence mechanisms and arriving at an acceptance that the old ways are possibly not the best.
1st House: Gaining a new and deeper awareness of the personality and in what areas of life you can shine in.
2nd House: Re-examining the sense of self worth and your own uniqueness as a human being.
3rd House Asking the question "How open is my mind" Is it time to learn something new and seek some mental stimulation. In other words are you running around in the same old mental comfort zone that you have enjoyed since the last conjunction.
2nd Quadrant: Taking the opportunity to learn about our own behaviour from the responses of those around us. Especially close family and old friends. With the aim becoming a more productive member of your tribe.
4th House: Ask yourself how deep do my roots go down into the collective and whether they are of such a depth that it is difficult to move away from the views which are held to be normal for the society in which you are living. On the other hand perhaps there is no sense of belonging and an inability to set down roots and feel part of the society.
5th House: What will I do for love how much will I sacrifice for others? Do I feel secure enough in myself to risk it all for another?
6th House: Work do I love or loathe it, would I rather be doing something else? Whatever the answer to this question this is an opportunity to learn new techniques and broaden your work horizons in whatever way possible.
3rd Quadrant: Breaking free from the bonds of childhood and early adult years by understanding and coming to terms with the restrictions our upbringing placed upon us
7th House: This house concerns how the partnerships we make should be formed in a spirit of mutual cooperation and with a awareness of impact they may have on others and in our society in general .
8th House: The law of Give and Take comes into play if the conjunction happens to fall the 8th house. Understanding that he who pays the fiddler calls the tune, render unto Cesar what is due to Cesar and how the man can own your ass if you take to much of other peoples energy. .
9th House: Here you should be willing to expand the horizons of your thinking and be willing to look at other cultures and ways of thinking. Too narrow a mind can only lead up a blind alley.
4th Quadrant: Discovering oneself as an individual and the connection with every other living being while working on a more conscious understanding of the self.
10th House: From the dizzy height of the chart the need for social recognition can be a strong pull. With the conjunction placed here one must strive for the highest personal standards. No sneaky dealings will suffice, life has a habit of catching the unaware when they least expect it.
11th House: "By your friends you will be known" is an apt phrase for this particular house. Advancement along the path of spirit can be helped or hindered by the company you hang out with.
12th House: A deeper meaning to existence is on offer here. Meditation or perhaps a retreat from the affairs of the world when possible can be of benefit to ones peace of mind and understanding.