Monday, 26 April 2010

 Stepping Stones To Change

With the last but one of the Saturn/Uranus oppositions, the last one in the current series occurs on 26th July this year, there cannot be many of us who have not noticed the massive changes our world is undergoing.

The interesting thing about this opposition aspect & the opposing viewpoints it throws up is the urge for change from the Uranian energy and the desire to maintain the status quo courtesy of the Saturnian energy of the opposite pole.

Uranus as an energy wishes to bring change into life because the perception of what is stable, the building blocks of our world, both personal & global, no longer serve and are becoming dangerous. It is as if the bed rock of society’s stability has changed from rock to quicksand and is in danger of total collapse if change does not happen. Saturn on the other hand reflects the opposite poll to this, wanting to maintain the current structure at all costs. It is the memory facility and is only too aware of the fallout from the forces change being given their head.

While none of us singly can do much to effect change on a global level we can and perhaps should embrace change on a personal level. It is not rocket science that change is required if we are going to find new and stable ways of living on our planet. Each of us has to accept that change begins one person at a time and can build into an unstoppable force.

One way of effecting manageable & meaningful change is to look at the strength of the planets in the birth chart. Each planet can be graded to its effect or strength by its position in its sign, house position & by the aspects it has to other planets.
The stronger a planet is the more its effect is felt within the personality. Making small changes in the way a particular planetary energy is used can bring about great & very noticeable change into the response to life.

If we look at the 3 ego planets Sun, Moon & Saturn these are perhaps the most obvious examples I could use.
Sun which represents the sense of self that sense of “I AM” a possible change in the use of Sun energy would be to say “WE” rather than “I” from time to time. Imagine if occasionally the thought was what would “WE” like rather than what would “I” like. I will let you play with that thought to see how much it could influence your response to life.

Saturn represents the sense of security, memory & habits. Perhaps in the area of habits it is the easiest place to have change. Maybe you could walk to the bus stop or underground station a different way for a week. How might that change the way you view some things?

Moon rules the feeling part of us, just as the actual Moon changes on a daily basis so do our feelings. One area to start small changes is selfishness, leave the last chocolate biscuit in the tin. Try it once then see how many other levels you can apply that on.

Simple things perhaps but how much impact can they have on how we live. A vast river started from one drop and a journey of a 100 miles begins with the first step. Clichés maybe, but true none the less.

Imagine 6 billion people on the planet making one small change in the way they live that makes one big change. Our future is made one day, one hour, one moment at a time.

If you don't know which of the Ego Planets is the strongest in your Birth Chart send me an E-mail with your Date of Birth, Time, Place of Birth and I will mail you a freeocopy of your chart with a note of the strongest Ego Planet

Please use the 24hour clock and give Day/Month/Year in that order please.

Paste this link to send me your details